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    sourceanalyzer -b <your_build_id> -show-build-warnings

    你必须解析输出来筛选出你认为是噪声的东西,并返回非零来使构建失败。 如果没有警告或错误,则不会有任何输出。


    FPRUtility -information -errors -project <your_FPR>.fpr

    再一次,你必须解析出什么是感兴趣的。 如果FPR中没有存储任何错误或警告,您只需获得:


    最后,如果您想查找找到的特定类型的漏洞,可以使用: FPRUtility -information -search -query "<search string>"

    其中<search string>是您可以在Audit Workbench中使用的过滤器,例如,为了查找SQL注入漏洞,您可以指定`-query“类别:sql injection”,输出结果如下所示:


    First, you can check the exit code of sourceanalyzer for both the translate and scan phases, if it's non-zero, something went wrong.

    To specifically check for issues in the translation, run:

    sourceanalyzer -b <your_build_id> -show-build-warnings

    You'll have to parse the output to filter out what you consider to be noise and return non-zero to fail the build. If there were no warnings or errors, there won't be any output from that.

    In the scan:

    FPRUtility -information -errors -project <your_FPR>.fpr

    Again, you'll have to parse out what's of interest. If there wasn't any errors or warnings stored in the FPR, you'll just get:

    No warnings occurred during analysis

    Lastly, if you want to look for specific types of vulnerabilities that were found, you can use: FPRUtility -information -search -query "<search string>"

    Where <search string> is a filter you can use in Audit Workbench, e.g. to find SQL injection vulnerabilities, you could specify `-query "category: sql injection", and the output would be something like:

    72 issues of 1512 matched search query.

